Tilde drives European innovation in multilingual AI


Last month Germany's Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Peter Altmaier came forward with a speech regarding the changing landscape of business. It's no surprise that the shift towards a knowledge-based economy presents tough challenges even for a global player like Germany. In his passionate speech Altmaier mentioned Tilde's expertise in multilingual technologies as one of the drivers for European innovation. 
Proficiency in developing artificial intelligence and other machine learning based services is key for EU to stay competitive. As a leading research hub for complex language processing, we at Tilde enjoy tackling the Europe’s challenge of linguistic diversity. And to put good theory into practice we like seeing our virtual assistants and machine translation help companies and government agencies better connect with people. 
Having just joined the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce we hope to continue pushing the boundaries of machine learning and help international companies crush language barriers. You will be able to read about Tilde in December issue of Baltic Business Quarterly or just catch us in one of the upcoming trade shows.